Dr. Christopher has not been with us for several years. Dr. Schultz was a
student of Christopher's, but does have further training. Cayenne enhances
blood flow. Most of Dr. Christopher's formulas have some cayenne in them to
help distribute the other herbs thru the blood system.  If alzheimers is
partially due to reduced oxygen to the brain cayenne could help.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

-----Original Message-----
From: Ivan Anderson [mailto:i...@win.co.nz]
Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2000 5:18 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Cayenne Pepper


I got the same feeling some time ago, I thought it was just me!

As far as I can determine Schulze got all his knowledge of cayenne from
Dr Christopher, whom he does acknowledge, and whom it seems has recently
passed away. Dr Christopher used cayenne in many of his remedies, and
had a great web site which unfortunately seems to have passed away also.

Oh well.

I don't believe the article, the link of which was recently posted,
claimed that cayenne cured alzheimers etc. (Karen) but causes blood and
the curative to flood the spot so to speak.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Ratliff" <bobratl...@iname.com>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Saturday, 15 July 2000 16:11
Subject: RE: CS>Cayenne Pepper

> Schultz always claims HIS (read make me more money) herbs are SO much
> than anyone else's. If you want the RIGHT STUFF grow it yourself. I'm
> sure that the benefits of cayenne outweigh the small amounts of
> that may be in the herb. Schultz claims all foreign herbs have
> We live in such a polluted world I'm not sure the amount you could get
in a
> 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne would hurt you. He appeals to idealism not
> We all want the best, right? Buy from Schultz.
> OK, off the soap box. His products are probably good, I just do not
> with his marketing hype. I have his uncurables programs tapes where he
> claims that herbs can't hurt you. HA. He says if the herb is bad your
> or stomach would reject it. NOT SO.
> Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

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