your pictures didn't come through.  Would you try again?  I'd like to
see them.  Thanks.

Duncan Crow wrote:
> For the information of those who want to evaluate the validity of
> claims from both sides (the way one makes responsible decisions)this
> might help explain the make up of the things that come out after a
> flush.
> The selection below is from a site run by a
> practicing pathologist Ed Friedlander, MD, who teaches. His site is
> a wealth of information.
> Just another perspective from someone who cuts people open and looks
> at gallstones inside the body on a regular basis.
> JALyons (who is slipping into her turn-out coat, boots and fire hat)
> -------------
> "Gallstone Flush
> People who have gallstones, or think they have gallstones, are
> invited to "flush" them out by swallowing a concoction of 1/2 cup of
> olive oil, a big grapefruit, 4 tablespoons of Epsom salts, and three
> cups of water.
> It was a nice idea, and interesting things will appear in the toilet
> bowl soon after. But I'm afraid that they're not your gallstones.
> Here's why:
> Real gallstones are faceted polyhedra, like the ones in the picture
> on the links below, or else shaped like mulberries. What you'll get
> from the recipe are spheres. One of my correspondents describes a
> friend who saves the spheres and displayed them to his friends.
> Real gallstones hurt bad when they pass through the cystic and common
> bile ducts.
> Real gallstones sink in water. (As an autopsy pathologist, I'm very
> familiar with this.) The "gallstones" you'll produce from this recipe
> will float, as the "alternative thinkers" themselves point out. (They
> claim that real gallstones float, too. Liars.)
> If you know a little basic chemistry, you'll realize what is
> happening. The Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate, and the grapefruit
> contains some complex carbohydrates. When these slosh around in the
> stomach and small intestine, they'll form a tough film which will
> encase drops of olive oil. This will produce some yellowish balls
> which will float in the toilet.
> Hulda Regehr Clark, the author of "The Cure for all Cancers" and "The
> Cure For HIV/AIDS" promotes this. Since she claims to have both a
> doctorate in naturopathy and a Ph.D. in something (the latter
> implying having done substantial original lab research), one would
> think she would have made an experiment with a real gallstone and
> discovered that it sinks. There's a nice photo which she took from my
> friend, pathologist Ed Klatt. She calls them "such small stones"
> though they're obviously 7-10 mm across. She thinks the stones she
> displayed formed in the liver and "rolled" into the gallbladder,
> which is silly. She says gallstones "can be of any color" which is a
> hoot. She also claims that the major cause of gallstones is wearing
> shoes.
> If you want to believe these people, that is your business. If you
> try the purge, please chew your grapefruit up thoroughly. Otherwise,
> you're asking for a gastic bezoar and a trip to the endoscopist to
> remove the obstruction.
> Gallstone cleansing {link}
> Gallstone Flush {link} from Hulda Regehr Clark. Much of the material
> on these sites is identical though it's not clear who has borrowed
> from who."
> --
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