
GMO Crops Are An Accident Waiting to Happen

A group of Canadian scientists wrote a letter to the Toronto
Globe and Mail which warned that genetic drift or pollution
from plants gene-spliced to produce medical drugs or
industrial chemicals is a disaster waiting to happen.

The letter--signed by retired Agriculture Canada scientist
Bert Christie, former McMaster University science dean
Dennis McCalla, McGill University animal-science professor
Dick Beames, and Dr. Hugh Lehman, an expert in agricultural
ethics at the University of Guelph--warns that there is a
"high probability" that a StarLink-type contamination
incident could occur because of open-air testing and
cultivation of crop varieties spliced to produce
pharmaceutical drugs or industrial chemicals.

In other words, a person could be eating corn or soybeans or
some other common food and instead get a dose of a powerful
medical vaccine or drug, or a toxic dose of an industrial

Toronto Globe and Mail Newspaper May 2, 2001


Already, investigators have found that rats fed genetically
modified potatoes had an increased thickening in the lining
of their stomach and intestine and a weakening of their
immune system.

And now these mad scientists want to put vaccines into the


What these geniuses have failed to fully appreciate is that
once these plants are growing it is physically impossible to
prevent them from pollinating other plants and contaminating
with these new proteins that we have no clue of the
long-term consequences of.

The craziness of the entire process is mind-boggling. The
vaccines they are using don't even work, yet they are
willing to sacrifice the food supply for it.

If this insanity continues, our grandchildren may not have
access to any non-genetically modified food and the health
of our society may continue to rapidly decline.

One of the keys to health is good food. Although most of us
don't choose to do so, we can still purchase real unaltered
food in this country. The future does not appear to provide
that option.

Genetically modified foods did not exist prior to 1995.
Ninety percent of the money Americans spend on food is spent
on processed foods and seventy percent of processed foods
have genetically modified foods in them.

There are NO STUDIES with humans on what happens when one
consumes genetically modified foods. The FDA has ASSUMED
that they are equivalent to the original and never required
any studies to have them approved.

This is despite the fact that this technology has never
existed in the history of the world before.

Absolutely Brilliant!

Especially in light of the US Federal track record on
genetically engineered safety which is terrible.

Last year Starlink corn was only approved for animal
consumption NOT human consumption. This was because of a
concern that could cause allergies in humans. Well Starlink
corn would up directly in the human food supply, despite FDA

There are EIGHT different agencies in the US regulating
biotechnology under TWELVE different set of laws. NONE of
the laws had biotechnology in mind when they were passed, as
they are 40-50 years old.

Folks this is one of the biggest disasters I have ever seen
that is waiting to happen.



This documents the lies that Monsanto has been promoting to
promote the sale of its products. Even if the GMO crops
worked as advertised I and most serious scientists would be
opposed to their use. But the sad tragedy is that they
don't, as this article documents, even provide the benefits
they are claimed to.

Related Articles:

Health Risks of Genetically Modified Foods

Genetically Modified Crops Worry Some Scientists

Genetically Altered Plants Might Alter You

Americans Don't Know They are Eating Genetically Modified

Genetically Modified genes jump the "species barrier"

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