In a message dated 7/16/01 0:11:41 AM EST, writes:

<< Subj:     CS>Gatorade
 Date:  7/16/01 0:11:41 AM EST
 Hi listers,
     I am wondering about the Gatorade  test:  Will you mix the Gatorade 
directly with the CS?
     Do you think it would hurt to mix the two together and store it that way 
over night?
     Has anyone used the powder Gatorade?  Could that be mixed directly into 
the CS?

Nancy: If you're using powered Gatorade, mix it first to the proper 
consistency with tap or spring water since the regular Gatorade is most 
probably made that way. After that, add 2 parts Gatorade, 1 part CS test 
solution just before drinking and/or using topically.

List: There's a possibility that additional sponsor funds will be made 
available to promote our Gatorade/CS test. Anyone interested in participating 
in these tests may be able to receive the CS test solution completely free. 
Here's a chance for many of you who have received invaluable information over 
the years, and advice about your own particular CS (and other) problems to 
give something back to the List. By participating in our study we all have a 
chance to gain important insight into how CS works as well as begin to learn 
how to enhance its effectiveness. So ask yourself if your reason for not 
participating is as good as the many reasons to lend a helping hand. Anyone 
who would like to be included should contact me or Ole Bob. Who knows, if 
enough of you add your names to our list of participants he may become less 
grouchy, perhaps even charming. Roger 

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