Dear Kathryn,
Here`s my story!
I`m still alive thanks to Colloidal Silver. I`m currently a
returned student at Brigham Young University at age 49. I took a short break
(29 years!) to raise 4 kids. I`m studying to become a professional
Genealogist. CS keeps me going!

In the summer of 1990 I was living in Arkansas, where I was bitten by a
tiny tick on my lower leg. When I got the bullseye rash I knew what it was,
as I`d read an article about Lyme Disease in a magazine. So I went to the
doctor, who knew nothing about LD, and he undertreated me.
So the Lyme kept recurring. (Whenever I stopped the doxycycline, in a few
days I`d be back into active LD. This happened 6 times in nearly 6 years.)
Well, by that time I was living in Wisconsin, and the doc there refused to
believe that Lyme can withstand ABX and maddeningly refused to even look at
the computer info. I had brought that showed it can. He then refused to give
me any more doxy. In a few months I was dreadfully ill.
So finally I asked the Good Lord to either let me die soon, or help me to
get rid of the LD so I can do my beloved Genealogy. He heard me!
A couple of weeks later I got a letter from an old high school buddy. She`d
gotten a box in the mail, and on papers used as packing was some writing.
Curious, she read it. It was Mark Metcalf`s info. on CS: what it was, and
how to make it! It mentioned Lyme as one of the diseases it can cure, so she
sent the info. to me. My son and I went all over Kenosha and Racine, looking
for silver wire, found some, put the gadget together, and wihin 3 days of
starting the CS, I noticed that I felt a lot better! For the first time in
weeks I could shut my teeth properly, I could think clearly again, and my
joints weren`t aching. It took about 7 months for most of the damage to
heal. What a wonderful thing!
I have since used CS for numerous UTI`s caused by gallbladder removal, as
the Lyme had destroyed my GB. Any time I`d feel a cold coming on, I knew it
was time for fresh batteries.
I also take some every day as a preventive, which is fortunate, for I was
bitten by (possibly Brown Recluse) spiders while in Vallejo, CA. I have some
marks, not skin grafts, thanks to the CS.
I also give it to my Pug dogs and birds. It stopped a vet-diagnosed case of
Giardia in a baby cockatiel.
 I now have 2 missions in life, working on the genealogy, and sharing the CS
information with all who will listen!
Marshalee Hallett,
 mom to 4 and grandma to 4, 3 living.

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