Dear list #2
 Seems Dr.Weil is in agreement with the big kids, on this list,
regarding DW.... now if he would check out CS closer perhaps he'd come
on board with a little less of the FDA concisest..... NOT..... I think I
under stand how his hands are tied ...he walks a fine line....... I
remember hearing Tim Leary at UFla. during his early prison release
college lecture tour, ;-0  ,,,promote government agenda of the time; ie.
the space race spending..drug war spending.and on and on.  The good
doctor wanted out of the Can and coped.. no problem for me,I've always
done what I want to.
 BUT....  a while back someone posted ; 'they were on a three month wait
list to see Dr. Weil, and called to confirm the apt . after two
months.They were told he no longer did office calls. I hated to hear
that. [not the 'no more office calls' ,but that his office didn't call
to cancel apts.] guess it can get hard to keep up. 
Is Distilled Water Dangerous? 
 "Is drinking distilled water dangerous? I've read that it's harmful
because distilled water easily becomes acidic and supposedly robs the
body of important minerals. True?" 
-- Joe Pietron
  (Published 12/19/2001) 
First of all, let me review for the record what distilled water is —
it's water that has been turned into steam so its impurities are left
behind. The steam is then condensed to make pure water. The process of
distillation kills and removes virtually all bacteria, viruses, heavy
metals, and other organic and inorganic contaminants. Once distilled,
the water is as pure as water can reasonably be. For reasons I don't
understand, any number of myths — some quite extreme — have grown up
over the years about distilled water. A quick Internet search today will
take you to sites that put forth such views as "distilled water leads to
early death." Nonsense. One claim holds that distillation removes all of
water's beneficial minerals. While it's true that distillation removes
minerals as well as various contaminants from water, we don't know that
the human body can readily absorb minerals from water. We get our
minerals from food, not water. By one manufacturer's estimate, you would
have to drink 676 eight-ounce glasses of tap water in Boston to reach
the RDA for calcium. Your question as to whether distilled water leaches
minerals out of the body reflects another persistent myth. While pure
water helps to remove minerals from the body that cells have eliminated
or not used, it does not "leach" out minerals that have become part of
your body's cell structure. Neither does distilled water cause your
teeth to deteriorate, a false claim made by a filter manufacturer
looking to boost sales. As far as acidity goes, distilled water is close
to a neutral pH and has no effect on the body's acid/base balance. 
I hope I've set your mind at ease. Distilled water not only isn't
dangerous, it's the purest form of water. It's also the kind of water I
Related Links:
Water Distillation: Myths and Facts
Dr. Andrew Weil
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Looking for an old question? Curious about other topics? Click here for
Dr. Weil's complete library of questions and answers. Related Questions: 
Too Much Water?
Drink More Water?

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