Hello Terry,

Sunday, December 30, 2001, 8:32:46 PM, you wrote:

TC> Wayne Fugitt said:
TC> "Do you think something similar to a "wattage factor"
TC> applies?"

TC> Terry responds:
TC> Years ago, when I was taking my Electronic Servicing
TC> Technology classes (long name for 'TV repair'), I
TC> received a bit, a tad, a smattering of electronics
TC> theory. My understanding was that wattage simply
TC> referred to energy being given off in the form of
TC> heat, caused by the friction of electrons flowing
TC> against resistance (ohms). (I may not have this
TC> right.)

TC> You can have a dial for adjusting voltage or current
TC> (amperage), but I've never heard of a wattage dial. In
TC> making CS, you only need to regulate voltage and
TC> current, not wattage. Wattage is a by-product of the
TC> interaction of voltage, current and resistance, as
TC> smoke or heat is of the activity of fire. Am I right,
TC> technical types?

Wattage is usually used when the term volt-amps is more correct. And,
while most people assume they are the same, they are not. They are
only the same if the current and voltage are in phase. If the current
leads, or lags, the voltage, the wattage changes, but the volt-amps do
not. This is where electric ultitlities can actually get ripped off,
as they make electricity in volt-amps, and sell it in watts. For
companies that use a lot of power, the local utility will usually
insist that transformers and motors are of the "high power factor"
type. This keeps the current and voltage more in phase, and allows the
utility to charge properly for the energy consumed.

Wattage should never be used as a reference in making colloidal
silver, as it can change wildly. As an example, one of my HVAC units
can dump 900 watts into a batch. But, there is no corrolation between
the wattage of that and, say, a simple LVDC setup that produces the
same PPM in the same amount of time. The wattage on the LVDC unit will
be a fraction of the HVAC unit.

Best regards,

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