As for me, I say again that the best thing about alkaline water in my
view is that it is easy to drink a liter at once w/out bloating.   It is
really surprising that the same volumen of water somehow "feels" like
less.    It is true, though! 

"Dean T. Miller" wrote:
> On Mon, 25 Feb 2002 00:25:27 -0600, "Russ Rosser"
> <> wrote:
> >What results can you report?
> Don't know.  :)   The machine works -- producing both alkaline and
> acidic water (it comes with pH measuring strips).  As for noticing
> effects on myself and family -- I honestly can't report anything.
> We're a fairly healthy family, and I have no way of knowing whether or
> not the machine (Jupiter Ionizer) has done anything.  Of course, it
> does take out the chlorine and fluorine from the water (those elements
> are in the acid water output).
> -- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF
> --
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