They will if they can make money on it, but anyhow...maybe someday soon
we can see our silver particles.
 I haven't seen a Doc in over 20 years.


At 03:13 PM 3/19/02 -0600, you wrote:
>This all sounds wonderful, but I don't believe the powers that be will allow
>a cure for any of these money making illinesses.  The Pharms will not allow
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Ode Coyote" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 8:03 AM
>Subject: CS>Amazing new microscope (article, UC Berkeley).
>> <>Berkeley
>> Microsized microscopes: UC Berkeley researchers develop microlens and
>> scanner that can provide views inside living cells
>> 13 March 2002
>> By Sarah Yang, Media Relations
>> Berkeley - Imagine a future where doctors can view the DNA of tumor cells
>> inside a patient as cancer drugs are delivered, or where anti-terrorism
>> units can identify single molecules of a biowarfare agent on site with a
>> portable detector. With a significant development in miniaturized
>> microscopes at the University of California, Berkeley, scientists are
>> inching closer to such possibilities.
>>    Luke Lee
>> Assistant Professor Luke Lee is developing a micro-lens smaller than the
>> period at the end of this sentence. Peg Skorpinski photo
>>   micro-CIA
>> Shown is an image of a scanner of the micro confocal imaging array, or
>> micro-CIA, taken by a scanning electron microscope. The photopolymer
>> microlens in the center of the scanner is shaped by surface tension, not
>> etching, and is therefore extremely smooth. Comb-drives on opposing sides
>> of the scanner power the side-to-side movements using electrostatic
>> The "fingers" of the comb-drives are spaced 2-5 microns apart.
>>    micro confocal imaging array
>> As seen in this schematic of a micro confocal imaging array, the staging
>> platform that holds the sample is on the bottom. Three scanners stacked
>> vertically above the platform scan each of the three axes (X, Y and Z) for
>> three-dimensional images. The fluorescent signal detector sits above the
>> scanners.
>> Luke P. Lee, assistant professor of bioengineering at UC Berkeley, and his
>> doctoral student Sunghoon Kwon have captured an image of a plant cell with
>> a microlens smaller than the period at the end of this sentence.
>> "It's shrinking a million dollar machine down to a size that can balance
>> the tip of a ballpoint pen," said Lee, who presented the results at a
>> recent International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems. "The
>> microlens and scanner we've made is a crucial part of a microscope that is
>> 500 to 1,000 times smaller than anything in its class."
>> In testing the accuracy of the microlens and scanner, Kwon placed a cell
>> sample taken from a flowering lily, Convallaria majalis, onto the platform
>> of a conventional confocal microscope. Without moving the sample, they
>> captured a cross-sectional image of the cell wall, first with the
>> traditional microscope, then with the microlens scanner. They found that
>> the two images matched, showing for the first time that his microscopic
>> lens could perform as well as a conventional one.
>> "Honestly, we were shocked," said Lee, who also is co-director of the
>> Berkeley Sensor & Actuator Center. "What we've finally shown is a proof of
>> concept. We have tested only 2-D images now, but it's just a matter of
>> and manpower before we get the first 3-D image."
>> The microlens and scanner are part of a device Lee is developing called
>> micro confocal imaging array, or micro-CIA. The micro-CIA belongs to a
>> group of devices known as Bio-Polymer-Opto-Electro-Mechanical-Systems, or
>> BioPOEMS. Invented by Lee, BioPOEMS marry the world of optics to that of
>> microelectromechanical systems, or MEMS, for use in biological
>> The size and sensitivity of the micro-CIA would allow technicians to
>> quickly test even trace amounts of anthrax or smallpox in the field. It
>> could become a crucial part of a "lab-on-a-chip," where researchers can
>> study genes and proteins in ways unimagined decades ago. Lee is
>> particularly excited by the potential for advancements in medicine
>> with a miniaturized microscope.
>> "You could put this device on the tip of an endoscope that could be guided
>> inside a cancer patient," said Lee. "Doctors could then see how tumor
>> behave in vivo. It would also be feasible to deliver drugs directly to the
>> tumor cell, and then view how the cell responds to the drugs."
>> High-end confocal microscopes, which house several lasers, take up to a
>> meter of desk space, can cost more than $1 million and typically require
>> highly-trained operators to run them, said Lee. The high cost of owning
>> running confocal microscopes limits the amount of research that can be
>> with them, he said.
>> "My goal is to not only shrink the size of these microscopes, but to make
>> them as easy and as cheap to use as a digital camera," said Lee. It is
>> a hint of populist sentiment that Lee began devising a teeny version of
>> confocal microscope, the micro-CIA. He envisions a future where confocal
>> microscopy is as common as a Bunsen burner in academic and industry
>> research labs.
>> Unlike scanning electron microscopes, which construct 3-D topological
>> images of dead cells, confocal microscopes can capture images of nanoscale
>> activity inside living cells. Confocal microscopes also allow researchers
>> to focus on specific components inside the cell, such as DNA strands, or
>> mitochondria.
>> Cell parts marked with a fluorescent dye are "excited" by the laser and
>> emit light back at specific wavelengths. Mitochondria, for instance, emit
>> fluorescent red color while nucleic acids emit a fluorescent blue,
>> depending upon the molecular labeling of each component in the cell. To
>> form 3-D images, 2-D slices are stacked together in a way similar to how
>> MRI image is formed.
>> Equipped with a microlens about 300 microns in diameter, the microscopic
>> scanner Lee tested is a square of about 1 millimeter on each side and can
>> move a distance of 50 to 100 microns. Lee is also testing a nanolens as
>> small as 500 nanometers in diameter, or 200 times thinner than a strand of
>> human hair, and smaller than the average red blood cell.
>> Lee's design of the micro-CIA will include three scanners stacked
>> vertically above the staging platform where samples are studied. The
>> scanners will measure each of the three axes - X, Y and Z - in
>> three-dimensional space.
>> To make the scanner and lens, Lee employed technology similar to that used
>> to manufacture microchips. The lens is made of a tiny drop of polymer
>> shaped by surface tension and hardened by exposure to ultraviolet light.
>> focus the lens, Lee and Kwon adjusted the distance between the lens and
>> sample. While it is also possible to focus by changing the shape of the
>> lens, Lee said doing so would likely increase the cost and complexity of
>> production, something he wants to avoid.
>> Comb-drives on each side of the microlens act as microactuators, tiny
>> engines powered by electrostatic forces that move the microlens back and
>> forth 4,500 times per second. Sensors then pick up fluorescent signals and
>> feed the data back to a computer where the image is displayed in real
>> Lee's work is part of UC Berkeley's Health Sciences Initiative, which
>> brings together scientists from disparate fields in the pursuit of major
>> advances in health and medicine.
>> The research is part of a three-year project funded by the Defense
>> Research Projects Agency.
>> --
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