Well, I've never used tap water to make CS - make CS using 10000volts AC and 
have to use distilled water.  Could try and add CS tothe  Prill water though.  
Had a long talk with Mr. Dartez on the phone the other night and was impressed 
with knowledge.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Kevin Nolan 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 8:04 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Prill Thin Water

  Ian - in what sense do you mean "the prills work great"? Are you referring 
only to the pH change? If that's all, they are probably quite an expensive way 
to make alkaline water, compared to chucking a little lime in. The main claim 
to fame is 'restructuring':
  "When you make Prill water, the Prill beads transform water at the molecular 
level and make what Jim Carter calls Thin Water.  The water forms single 
molecules of 2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen atoms that are very tightly and 
permanently bound together. In some magical way, the chlorine and fluoride in 
the water are dissipated and the water is pure and pristine as glacial water 
and will super hydrate your body even better than clustered water. This is a 
huge part of the magic of Prill Water." 

  Since the beads 'last a lifetime', magically removing chlorine and fluoride 
cannot be an ion-exchange process, so conventional chemistry and physics are 
apparently old hat. As far as using prill water to make CS, the same page 
  Regarding the water for your pets...colloidal silver will certainly take care 
of any pathogens in the water, but that is not the only issue. There are 
non-pathogenic toxins that can still be a problem. I think that you would do 
better considering using the Prill beads from Twilight to make water for you 
and your pets. The beads dispel the chlorine and fluoride in tap water and also 
seem to dissipate many of the other toxins that are in the water. Then you 
could add about a teaspoon of colloidal silver per quart to the Prill water."

  Would be interested to know if you find the familiar white silver chloride 
precipitate from using chlorinated tap water to make CS is overcome by prior 
treatment with prill beads.

  regards, Kevin Nolan