Hi, Chuck

I use to have blood pressure readings of 170/100. Now, I usually have readings 
of 130/80 or 120/70. And I did it by just changing the type of food I ate.
    When I followed the SAD (Standard American Diet), I got the 170/100 
    When I changed to a raw food diet (mostly freshly squeezed juices, with 
salads and fruits), the readings went to 130/80.  And it did not take very 
long. A week at the most. 
    Now, anytime I go back to the bad foods (sugars, breads, processed foods, 
etc.), my blood pressure goes back up.
    Then I go back to my raw foods program, and blood pressure goes down. 
    I can regulate my blood pressure by choosing the type of foods I eat. 
    You might give it a try. 

    P.S. Love your jokes.
