Hullo Janet,
The CS could be any strength, 3pp to 20ppm. whatever you have.
Pour some CS over his food. Maybe mix some of it together. Mine demand more. 

Also add CS to his drinking water. I have a gallon bowl and I toss in a glass
(1/4 litre)of CS once a day. The bowl is cleaned and filled about twice a week. 

At your own risk you could try to give him a dose of CS using a syringe without
needle. I aim at trying to get about 15ml (1/2oz) of CS down the hatch twice per
day at least. This is enough to get him drinking on his own. OK here's what i
do. Cat on carpet so his claws have a grip on something, left hand on scruff and
lift slightly, without detaching feet from carpet, to get him at a slight
disadvantage. Syringe filled with CS in right fist, use syringe to lever his
mouth open gently and then give a slow squirt down side of mouth. Stop if he
doesn't swallow. Let him close his mouth, massage his throat to get him to
finish swallowing. You don't want to drown him. 
Good Luck,

Jan wrote:
> My cat (neutered male) just finished his second set of antibiotics. He
> still pees without much coming out and he licks himself (no delicate way
> to put it)  it seems to be irritated STILL. This has been going on for
> over a month. Anyway I would like to try the CS on him. How much and how
> often do folks recommend and how strong of a solution in PPM?
> Thanks,
> Janet

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