Hullo Reid,
Pure DMSO is a liquid which freezes at about 15 degrees C . It mixes
very well with water (and with oils) and warms up on dilution. People
with fair, sensitive skin are cautioned to dilute at least 50% because
it may cause irritation. Weaker solutions should not cause any troubles
at all. 10% is very mild. I think the crux word is MAY, they are
covering their butt. I used to use 100% on my skin and at most got a
mild itch which lasted a few minutes, even on the very tender bits. Heh,
Heh, it is the smell ya got to worry about. I lost a very nice girl
friend to experimenting with DMSO, one whiff and she was out of there.
Paint it on your feet and you can smell garlic and clams on your breath
in a few minutes. I never tried it in my eyes and I wouldn't want to,
but in DMSO Natures Healer Dr Morton Walker he talks about putting 1
drop DMSO directly on the eyeball to cure cataracts.   

Adding 10 grams or 10 ml DMSO to 90 ml water is OK. 

Is he going to drink it, paint it on his skin or nebulise with it? All
would work, I'm just interested in his preferred procedure.


Reid Harvey wrote:
> CS Enthusiasts,
> My 86 year old father had drug resistent bronchitis last year, and I
> have convinced him to get his hands on some DMSO, something he has just
> received in the mail.  Fortunately he has since embraced CS and is now
> making it.  I'm suggesting he follow the good advice of several on the
> list if any similar lung ailment ever arises, 90% CS and 10% DMSO, as I
> 've seen written up.  But he is telling me he sees the following
> cautions on the DMSO label:
> "May cause skin irritation.  Avoid contact with eyes, skin. clothing.
> Wash thoroughly after handling.   In case of
> contact, immediately flush eyes with water.  Call a physician."
> Can someone please tell me the story on the cautions?  Also can someone
> tell me how to mix the CS with the DMSO?  Can I assume this is fine
> particle, 10ppm CS?  And as with other solutions would 10% DMSO suggest,
> for example, that one would mix 90 ml. of the CS with 10 grams of the
> Any advice would be highly appreciated.
> Reid
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