Dear Group:
I have had a CS generator for about 8 months. After the initial Herx Reaction 
at first, I have been using 2 to 3 ounces a day since then. About once a week 
I stop using it a day or so.
I hadn't had a cold or flu or sinus for four or five years. I used to get flu 
shots but stopped that three years ago. I have Prostate Cancer and am taking 
several vitamins and supplements to help combat the beast.
For better than a year now I have been using Flax Oil / Cottage Cheese in 
hopes that it would help with my dilemma.
After reading many reports of the benefits of CS I've been adding that to my 
A month ago I had the worst bout with the flu I can remember. This week I am 
facing a similar illness along with serious sinus congestion.  I'm so weak 
it's difficult to sit here to send this.
I haven't changed any part of my routine.
Can anyone help explain this almost sudden reaction?
I'm 68 and work almost full time at AutoBody work along with mowing some 
lawns and doing office cleaning three nights a week. (We can't get along on 
Social Insecurity by itself)
I have always felt good before this, have always been a very active hard 
worker. (Of course I can't explain the Cancer either)
Please help if you can.