I did not yet read the article.  But, this stuff is for environmental use
only, I presume, not in or on the body....? What does it do to a human cell?

James-Osbourne: Holmes

-----Original Message-----
From: jrowl...@nctimes.net [mailto:jrowl...@nctimes.net]
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 3:07 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Magnesium oxide biocidal nanoparticles

>From Chemweb's backpages:
Jagged Little Pill

13 August 2002
Like tiny chunks of rock, nanoparticles of magnesium oxide can punch
their way through the bacterial membranes of Escherichia coli and the
anthrax spore protein coat — tearing it apart and leaving the pathogenic
microbe ripped and torn.
Kenneth Klabunde and his colleagues at Kansas State University in
Manhattan, Kansas, have developed this unique twist on
nanotechnology...they describe exactly what happens to bacteria when it
comes into contact with these nanoparticles...used three types of
microscopy to take a close look at the destruction of bacterium by
nanoparticles. The bacteria die within minutes of contact ending up in a
misshapen mess with dark patches where the nanoparticles have broken
through the bacterial membrane... the nanoparticles have an opposite
electrical charge to bacteria and as opposites attract, the bacteria
stand little chance of evading the biocide once they are close. The
jagged edges of the nanoparticles then allows them to easily penetrate
even the tough outer shell of an anthrax spore, much as a fragment of
glass might burst a party balloon. The nanoparticles are also basic, so
can lyse a bacterial membrane as well as oxidising the membrane...The
biocidal nanoparticles would likely be incorporated into air filtration
units or sprayed on suspect packages or into affected buildings in
powder form. "These nanoparticle powders won't be as messy or as
corrosive as other biocides," explains Klabunde...The biocide will be
marketed under the name FASTACT by spin-off company NanoScale Materials.
A mass production facility is now in the planning stages.

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