Regarding the following, which I believe is from the MesoSilver site,  I
have asked one list member responsible for that site for postings of the
research by Dr. Meade,  or at least references to the publications, but
have not gotten a reply yet,  I think.   

It would be very helpful to be able to go to Meade's research if there
is strong evidence to support the claim that silver ions are not
effective.  If I have overlooked the references for Meade's work, I hope
someone will educate me here.   

NB the claims about the uselessness of silver choloride are contradicted
by a recent list posting about silver chloride and animal wounds.   If
that referenced article is correct about the strong antiseptic
properties of silver chloride applied to wounds,  than the claims below
are at least an oversimplification.  The words "no germ-killing power" 
seem meaningless if in fact silver chloride works well in wounds.  




Paul Ladendorf wrote:
> I found the following article and wondered if some of you techies
> would respond to it.
> Thanks,
> Paul
> >Basically, there are two silver components in colloidal silver
> products which give them their antibiotic properties, silver particles
> and silver ions. Silver ions are silver atoms which have an electron
> missing in the outer shell. They are the smallest possible form of
> silver, about .28 nanometers. Silver particles are metallic silver
> consisting of clusters of silver atoms. They can range in size from
> less than a nanometer up to 1000 nanometers (1 micron).
> Silver ions will combine with chloride ions readily where they are
> present. The human stomach contains a strong solution of hydrochloric
> acid. Silver chloride forms immediately in the stomach when silver
> ions enter it. Though silver chloride is harmless and in fact not even
> soluble in the body, it also has no germ killing power. The same thing
> happens to silver ions in the bloodstream by virtue of the high
> chloride content due to the presence of sodium and potassium chloride.
> Silver ions, therefore are of little value inside the body as they are
> quickly combined with the available chloride ions to form silver
> chloride. One researcher, a Dr. Meade, has estimated the half-life of
> a silver ion inside the human body as 7.8 seconds. The only component
> of colloidal silver products which survives to work inside the body,
> therefore, is silver particles. This discovery is what has compelled
> us to strive for the greatest quantity of particulate silver possible
> in our product.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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