TO Paul,
When I first started to use CS I bought it off the internet. It was very 
expensive, but it was working. I finally got brave and decided to make my 
own. I ordered a CS maker from Silvergen. Trem who is on this list makes and 
sells these generators. I just read the instructions he sent with the 
generator. I use distilled water with nothing added. I started out taking 3 
swallows a day. I swish it around in my mouth and gargle with it then 
swallow. Some days I took more. If I was feeling really ill I would take more 
say up to 8oz a day. It has been two years and I'm still taking it 3 times a 
day. I just swig it right from the bottle. And no I'm not turning blue, I'm 
just feeling grateful to have my health back. I started an exercise program 
when I started to get my strength back. At first I just walked a few minutes 
on the treadmill, and worked my muscles. Now after two years I am either 
jogging 3 miles or biking 10 miles almost everyday. Isn't that incredible!
I hope this helps.

Christiane S.

Christiane S.

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