Rich and All,
Which is your question?  1.  Is the doctor talking nonsense about FDA
approval?, or is it,  2.  Additional to #1, is 500ppm CS nonsense?

If #1, I would agree that it sounds rather suspicious that the FDA would
specifically approve this kind of CS or anything other than CS as
nutritional suppliment.  On the other hand I would imagine FDA approval
could be construed by default if their acceptance of CS as nutritional
supliment has not been specified to a lower ppm.

If #2, I myself make highly concentrated CS at times and am aware that
some on this list are insistent that to produce this is not possible.
Some say that concentrated CS can only be made with the addition of some
chemical reagent, and I have found this not to be the case.  And some
have said ppm above about 50 leads to agglomeration.  This assertion has
also been proven untrue by others on the list.  Still others have stated
that concentrated CS is valuable for topical applications, and there are
also many indications that diluting high ppm CS for ingestion can lead
to highly beneficial results, notwithstanding large particle size.

In any event I am getting ahead of myself with my response.  Can you
tell me which is your question, #1 or #2?
Thanks and namaste from Kathmandu.

Rich Adams wrote:
    This is a reply from a company selling 500ppm CS.  I need all your
valuable input please.  This is the reply from one Dr.  Lynn who owns
website ( where she is selling it.

"<< I tend to follow clinical stuff and this is what I use:  clinical
laboratory tests at Eastern Tennessee State University, Dept. of
Microbiology, show that the level for effectiveness is at least 250
million.  The 500 ppm is a clinical dosage and is only sold to licensed
practitioners.  The 500 ppm is approved by the FDA and there is no known

toxicity reported by the U.S. Poison Control Center. >>"

The FDA approved this?  Is this "Dr" talking nonsense?

If you have input and can specify links, that would be much appreciated.


Rich Adams

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