That anthrax "strain" was traced to Fort Detrick..not necessarily the
quantity of anthrax itself.
 It only takes one organism to breed as much as you want.
 Now, is that a strain that's not found in nature?
 Anthrax is not uncommon.

 Granted that the quality of the anthrax indicates that some one who know
what they're doing made it, but that doesn't draw an entirely straight line
to a US gov't lab.

The Ruskies seem to lose nuclear material fairly well.  I recall a case
where a Columbian drug lord bought a Russian submarine at a
bargain..complete with crew. [not nuclear, but complete with torpedoes]
They almost got it out of the dock before being stopped.
 I was bought 'as stolen'..not from those who owned it.
 I once knew a guy in the US Army that said he gets paid by the month and
by the truckload.  He had all sort of toys in his trunk including sections
of garden hose full of pure sodium.
 Stolen from the cooling system of a nuclear reactor???

 Need a white phosphorous grenade?  Sure, no prob!


At 12:24 PM 9/26/02 -0400, you wrote:
>Initially I found it on the web in alternate news sources, but later it
was in
>the newspaper here, and it was reported on CNN and the Washinton Post.  It
>tracked down to the Fort Dedrick army lab by the FBI, then they dropped the
>investigation I believe one they realized it was a government operation.
>The following are just 3 of dozens of articles on it:
>I beleive that the Russian supply is secure because they would be risking
>killing billions of their own people if it is not, same as the US.  If
small pox
>is released it will be by either the US or Russian governement and part of a
>much bigger plan.
>Any country that is wanting to use small pox as a weapon will be wanting
to wipe
>out the major portion of the population worldwide including their own.  It
>cannot be used as a weapon without it coming back to them.  Most of the
>population is no longer vaccinated against it.  So basically if it were
used it
>would have to be in accordance with the global 2000 documents (NWO
>on biological population reduction.  With the miserable failure of AIDs to
>accomplish their aims, I doubt they will play the small pox card.  And as I
>said, if they do, that will be the least of our worries.  After all CS should
>protect those of us here fine.
>Nysee wrote:
>> How do you figure the anthrax mailings were from the Army?  Just Curious.
>> Also how do you know the smallpox is secure just b/c Russia says so?  I
>> would be more inclined to trust my own goverment over that of another
>> country if I trusted any of them at all.
>> Nysee
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Marshall Dudley" <>
>> To: <>
>> Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2002 10:32 AM
>> Subject: Re: CS>FW: Smallpox
>> > I don't know what all the hype is about small pox.  First of all there
>> only
>> > two sources of small pox available anywhere in the world. One is at the
>> CDC in
>> >
>> --
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