
Yes, not scientific fact but what I have heard on numerous Lyme disease 
websites and read in a number of books about doc's that use it by IV.

I don't have the time to do the research, just sharing what I discovered.

All the best

Kevin Raggett

On Thu, 17 Oct 2002 22:22:08 -0500, Wayne Fugitt <>

> You guys are covering a lot of ground without references and scientific 
>I have in fact ingested H2O2 without loosing anything. In fact the 
>results were somewhat amazing.

I have, too, about 10 years ago, just prior to starting my CS
experiments. But I didn't notice any results (well, at least didn't
get the results I was looking for). I did manage to bleach my fingers
as I spilled a few drops of the 35% stuff on them. :)

>First, no one mentioned any quantity.

True. I was using about 10 drops of 35% in 10 oz of water, twice

>I would much rather ingest H2O2 3 times per day as to take any of the 
>prescription drugs all my friends are taking.

Again, true for me.

-- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF

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