Hello Brooks,

Was your brothers heart valve stainless or his original heart tissue?  Since
the original subject was SS valves and the plating of Ag on them.

James-Osbourne: Holmes
  -----Original Message-----
  From: Brooks Bradley [mailto:brooks.brad...@worldnet.att.net]
  Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 11:39 AM
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: Re: CS>Re: CS reaction with stainless steel valve in heart

                          Dear Marshall,
                      Excellent observation.  We have determined that CS
will, in fact, plate out in similar circumstances as stated in this
situation.  If CS plating had been used in past installations of such
devices, the mortality rate from opportunistic pathogenic agents, probably,
would have been much lower.
                      My only brother (78 yro overweight diabetic) nicked
himself with a fish-hook about 3 months ago.  Within 15 days he experienced
a severe cardiac episode....which the alleopathic attendants surmised to be
a stroke.  However, it took them 5 days to determine there was an infected
heart valve causing the increasing insufficiency (this after a precipitous
decline in his condition).  Eight weeks later plus $245,000 in expense.....
he was taken home.....unable to rise or stand.  His complete recovery is
                      This gentleman has placed his faith and
destiny---unflinchingly---in the hands of the alleopathic community.
Needless to say, one can imagine how stressful this has been on me......when
we have documented evidence (reams of it) exhibiting the efficacy of
ancillary adjunctive protocols which are both non-invasive and
non-toxic------and NON-REACTIVE with the alleopathic agents
involved......which could have served to mediate quite effectively----in his
case.  Sam (my brother) is a dedicated searcher for the "Silver
Bullet"......but only if cast by the Alleopathic Gods.
                          This case serves to increase my sadness relative
to the general circumstance of "systemic cultural conditioning" aimed a
maintaining an, almost, religious zeal among the target population.
                          Do forgive the intensity of this diatribe.......it
is just a reflection of my heart-sickness relative to the entire
                                          Sincerely,  Brooks.
  Marshall Dudley wrote:
    I believe there is some possibility that silver could plate out on the
stainless steel valve.  This should make the valve incapable to support the
growth of any pathogens, not a bad thing. I cannot think of any problems it
would cause, but of course cannot support that view.

    Stephen Summers wrote:

      Dear members We have had an enquiry about someone's mother who is 84
yrs old and has a stainless steel valve in her heart. Does anyone know
whether CS would react with this device - bearing in mind that silver ions
are transported by metalloproteins to the sites where they are needed.
Please also note that we produce a very high quality CS i.e. crystal clear
with no silver oxide or silver chloride. Thanks in advance. Steve