----- Original Message ----- 
From: bob smith 
To: eskimo-l...@eskimo.com 
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2003 7:42 PM
Subject: Fw: CS>H2O2

    I recently turned my attention to trying to correct my ph. When I first 
checked it I was so acid I swear that the litmus paper turned a brighter shade 
of orange.  I started taking lemon juice and the ph is improving.
    4 years ago this coming June I was diagnosed as having Small B Cell Non 
Hodgkin's Lymphoma. I followed the macrobiotic diet for 2 years and there was 
no change in my condition. Then I got careless with the diet and the next 
checkup showed  my blood factors getting worse. This turned my attention to 
several supplements that I wasn't already taking, namely essiac tea, maitake 
mushroom tincture, MGN3, Rath's Epican Forte, mega doses of C, E, Bcomplex, and 
a number of other minerals. In spite of all this, my condition continued down. 
The oncologist wanted to start chemo but I refused it until there was no other 
option. By May I was so weak that I couldn't walk to the car without stopping 
to rest. I called the Mfgrs. of MGN3 for their opinion of my protocol. They 
told me that taking any of the other antioxidants that I was taking within 2 
hours of MGN3 would neutralize it. This included C, E, Essiac, Maitake, and 
Rath's Epican Forte. Because I have to get up twice a night it was possible to 
spread them out.( I dropped the Essiac and Maitake and cut down on the C and E) 
 At this time I also started the Budwig Flax Oil/Cottage Cheese formula. But by 
this time my RBC was down to 190 and I needed a transfusion. The oncologist 
insisted that I start on a chemo that was not as toxic as most and had a 50% 
chance of helping. He said that I would need a driver after each treatment and 
would have some side effect like nausea. From the first chemo treatment I have 
never had the slightest effect.The entire clinic staff is surprised at this. My 
RBC is now nearly normal and I can go about my regular activities without any 
stress. In all honesty it is hard to say what to credit my recovery to. I just 
know that I will not change anything I am now doing. As I mentioned I recently 
started adding lemon juice to my CS to raise my ph. I would also like to start 
adding Hydrogen peroxide to this cocktail(which don't taste nearly as good as 
my old favorites) but wonder if it might conflict with the CS. This was the 
question I originally raised. 
     Thanks in advance for any opinions.                   Bob Smith
         P.S.  My friends all say, "Ask him what time it is and he will tell 
you how to build a watch".

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Robb Allen 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2003 4:32 PM
Subject: Re: CS>

I can't find what this message is in reference to.......what did I 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: bob smith 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2003 5:20 PM
  Subject: CS>

      Thanks for the response. I agree with you on the value of deep breathing 
and skin brushing. I admit to being careless about doing them on a daily basis. 
This I promise to correct.
      What I would really apreciate is information on combining CS with 
Hydrogen Peroxide. Would doing so cause any problems?                           
 Bob Smith