Hi Folks - I'm a newcomer to this forum.  I want to relate a couple of
experiences I had with cs mixed with DMSO and cs with MSM.  Two years
ago this June 1st after demolishing a rotten floor with mold underneath
it in an old building, I felt like I was coming down with the flu -
fever, cough, etc. - and I took bed rest for a couple of days.  I felt
better then and returned to an active life only to relapse two days
later.  The fever soon went away but I felt fatigued.  I would get up in
the morning with an appetite but with the first bite I would lose my
appetite and fatigue would overcome me.  I would go back to bed for the
rest of the morning and drag myself out to try to eat lunch and dinner
with the same result.  I lost 20 pounds (I was at 165lbs @ 5'10") over
the following two and a half months.  All this time I had a dry cough -
I felt something in my bronchial tubes, but it wouldn't come out.  I
went to a Doctor who gave me a newly developed strong expectorant.  I
didn't work and made me feel worse.  Then I remembered cs.  I half
filled a small glass with cs and added MSM crystals to it until no more
would dissolve.  I think this is called "saturated solution".  I poured
the mixture into an artist's air brush bottle and hooked it up to an
industrial type oxygen regulator set at 20 psi.  I adjusted the spray so
that I couldn't see the mist coming out of the nozzle but when I sprayed
it at my palm it would wet the surface.  I inhaled the fine spray with
each breath for about 5-10 minutes and waited a couple of hours then did
it again.  I did it three or four times the first day and three or four
times the second day.  At the end of the second day I felt 80% better
and began to eat.  I stopped coughing and I stopped the treatment.  I
continued to improve and a few days later I was back to normal.  The was
no recurrence of the illness.

The other use of cs was with DMSO a year earlier.  I got a paper cut
under my thumbnail and then worked in the dirt planting vegetables.  I
must have picked up a fungus through the broken skin because about a
week later I noticed a space developing under the nail.  The fungus
continued to grow until the underside of the nail was grayish all the
way down.  The fungus was growing between the nail and the nail bed and
was somewhat sponge like.  I obtained a few pills which doctors
prescribe for this condition - dosage is one pill twice a day for a
month or more with side effects that include compromised liver function
and possible permanent damage to it.  I ground up three or four pills
and dissolved the powder in two ounces of Everclear (99% ethyl alcohol -
obtainable from a liqueur store).  I filtered the mixture back into the
little bottle half way and filled the other half with cs & DMSO.  I
filled a small syringe (the size diabetes patients use for insulin) with
this mixture and slid the needle into the spongy fungus under the nail.
(It didn't hurt.)  I continued this treatment for several weeks until
the nail showed signs of growing normally at the base.  Today I would
not use the ground up pills in the mixture, but only cs and MSM.

Thanks for this forum and I hope this helps someone trying to cure a
fungal infection.


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