Hi JBB ~

I would strongly suggest Dr. Hulda Clark's books - also, know that she
operates a clinic in Imperial Beach, near San Diego, and ONLY takes in
advanced cancer and HIV patients.  All of her methods are wholistic -
zapper, parasite cleanse, kidney, liver cleanses, and removal of toxins.

http://www.cancermed.com/   Dr.
Burzynski has been curing patients of cancer

Dr. Clark Research Association


I have heard the zapper has cured people of cancer.  I have also heard about
a gentleman who swears DE cured him of prostate cancer...

As always, the individual plays a huge part in recovering, i.e., "If you
'decide' to win this war, you can do it. The mind (and family) *must* be
there, tho. Don't rely on *just* the toxic chemistry. *Decide* to live.
Push, push, push!!!

Cancer Diet

Dr. Merrill Wilson has found that through his research that cancer is a
virus and in order to arrest the cancer virus a very large amount of vitamin
A must be taken along with large amounts of vitamin C.

You will need to take the following daily:

1.      Beta Carotene 50,000 units 2 times a day.
2.      vitamin C  1000 mil. 3 to 4 times a day.
3.      Vitamin E 1000 mil a day.
4.      Lysine  A total if 1500 grams a day broken down to 3 to 4  times a
day. This must be taken with milk.

Foods to avoid:

            Meat that has been injected with growth hormones.
            Meat from young animals.
            White sugar
            Ice Cream
            White Bread
            Industrial Juice
            Distilled Water
            Dates (the fruit)

Foods allowed

            Spring water (a must)
            Butter ( not margarine or imitation)
            Fruits and vegetables

I will forward some other cancer info, directly to you.  Note that many of
these apply to a friend who had brain cancer a few years ago.  Do not have
time to cut and paste, but possibly some info will be useful.

Hugs and best wishes,

Julie & Critters

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