
I'm very glad you've decided to adjust you body's ph level.

A.  What is the measurement of your saliva in the morning, midday, and

B.  Take it easy on the calcium while you adjust your body's PH level.  Are
you using Hrx in all of your water, raising it to 9.5-10.0?

If so:  Continue with what you are doing.  Depending on your soft tissue ph
levels, you may go through a pretty big shift shortly.  I noticed that one's
"primary" systems begin to adjust, the acid starts being pulled from the
soft tissues and must be elimininated via the lymphatic system.  Have you
tracked your levels daily since beginning?

If you have to reduce either lemon water or calcium at this point, I would
choose the calcium.  The lemon is great body cleanser, and when PH levels
are corrected in the body, the body is capable of naturally adsorbing and
utilizing more calcium.

Best Regards,


----- Original Message -----
From: "Robb Allen" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 6:05 AM
Subject: CS>System PH

> Hi....I have finally bought some ph strips and tested myself.  My morning
> urine is 5.3.  I've been on the water cure for 3 weeks I don't
> know how low my ph  was before that.  My water here (very good well) tests
> nearly 9 after adding my sea salt.  I've been drinking a gallon every day.
> I would like some more advice on raising my ph more.  I am also adding HRX
> from to my water which raises it to 10.  I'm really confused
> about the whole lemon - calcium ph thing.  I'm not sure when to take my
> lemon water....and when and how much calcium to take because I know the
> try to cancel each other out.  As always, your advice makes a difference
> me.....if you have advice or more questions....please
> respond......thanks!........Robb
> --
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