I am having trouble posting to this list...sorry if it is a repost.... 
Does anyone use CS through a neubulizer or humidifier to treat chronic asthma?  
Is one more effective than the other?  Do both need to be ultrasonic for the 
treatment to work?

My girlfriend has chronic bronchitis and so far with oral ingestion of CS she 
has been sick free for months, but she still has asthma and I am sure it is 
related with the chronic bronchitis.  So I would like to find a method to 
effectively treat her naturally if she does get the bronchitis and I would like 
to do some proactive stuff to help her asthma which should also prevent her 
from the bronchitis.  I am thinking that a neubulizer with CS may help her 
asthma, but I would like to her other's opinions.
Can someone recommend a nebulizer that they have used before and found 
I am researching the mystigue ultrasonic nebulizer and it seems fine to me, but 
I have no experience with these things. 
Also will any ultrasonic cool mist humidifier be effective in distributing CS 
in the air.  I was at wal-mart and I saw a vicks ultrasonic unit for $60.  I 
just don't want to buy the wrong type of unit for both applications....
Thanks and have a great day!!! 

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