----- Original Message ----- 
From: "James Holmes" <ami...@starband.net>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 12:36 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Ph of Distilled water?

> Hello Nenah,
> Your mentioned:  "... cautions against drinking acidic fluids that (unlike
> lemon juice) do not turn alkaline."  Could you give a few examples of such
> fluids?

Coffee, tea, distilled water, soda. Fruit juice is alkaline but too much sugar
in the system causes the proliferation of microbes and thus acidity. Any good pH
chart will give you a reference of acidity and alkalinity of common fluids. Look
on the internet or in a good chemistry textbook.

> You wrote that the excess acid from the body, "These acidic wastes cause
> pain, denegeration [sic]and disease. Arthritis is a name we give to one of
> these conditions."
> Can you briefly describe this process?
> Thank you in advance,

You can get all the biology and chemistry of what Dr. Young believes in his book
SICK AND TIRED. It's softcover, available at bookstores.


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