Hi Sharon,

You ask:
> Bummer- I'd be afraid of the inappropriate snacking too...
> So, did you lose any weight?? Is that too personal to ask?

Yes I did lose a few pounds, but it is quite unlikely to be permanent, 
unless and until I can complete the parasite cleanse and improve my 
overall metabolic functioning. That's my guess anyway.

> So can I ask what convinced you to do Beck as opposed to Clarks
> protocol? I am trying to decide which way to spend my hard earned
> cash. 

I figured that either the Beck or the Clark protocols are directed 
towards eliminating parasites & other pathogens, and could be used in 
preparation for the liver cleanse. Since I already had the zapper and 
CS, learned that the peroxide protocols were similar in effect to the 
ozone treatment, and am handy enough to build a mag pulser for cheap, I 
figured I was already three quarters of the way there.

I don't know the cost of the Clark preparations, but suspect it'd be as 
much or more than I've spent so far. (Keeping in mind that I'm *not* 
buying a proper ozone generator.)

I can't say which is better. I have a hard time with compliance, no 
matter what I try, it seems. Lazy fellow, meself.

Be well,

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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