
I agree with your desire to share accurate information, so perhaps we can come 
up with a technically accurate way to answer the question... Mine would be as 

Is silver a heavy metal?

Silver, medically, does not share the toxicology associated with what are 
commonly described as heavy metals.  Legally, the definition of what is or is 
not a heavy metal varies depending on which regulatory agency one queries.  
According to SIGNA's medicare qualification documents, silver is not a heavy 

The term heavy metal is not a scientific term, and there has never been 
consensus on the meaning of this term in the scientific community.  By some 
definitions, both Magnesium and Potassium are heavy metals.  Classification of 
"heavy metal" has never been scientifically based on any actual quality 
associated with any element, although many adaptations to the periodic table 
have been attempted, including gram atomic weight and by the number on the 
periodic table, both which have no real chemical significance-- not from a 
biological standpoint, a chemical standpoint, or any other scientifically 
demonstrable attribute including any medical significance.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: sol 
  Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2003 1:47 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Silver-heavy metal NOT

     That's ok, people seem to be mis-reading my intent, I do not need 
arguments that silver is not toxic or that water can be toxic. I just want to 
stop telling folks it is not a heavy metal, if in fact it is. I have also read 
it called a "transition" metal, and the toxic heavy metals are also listed as 
transition metals on the table I sent the link to.  I sh ould have researched 
this a long time ago, and not parroted things I read.
     There is plenty of evidence that silver (EIS) is not toxic without making 
false arguments, which is what I want to avoid, as when I myself find out that 
a fact is mis-stated or false, I tend to disbelieve everything else, you know? 
I simply want to be accurate.
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: mamapug 

    Even water is toxic in amounts
      large enough to drown in.

      Water can also be toxic when swallowed in large amounts. Here in Utah, a 
couple is up for murder, for forcing their adopted child to drink quarts of 
water as a punishment.
      It killed her. She was 5.