Hi Donna:

Thank you, I try to apply everything at my disposal to acquire accurate and 
beneficial knowledge; it's not always possible, but the silver list folks have 
certainly made that job easier over the past few years.

Concerning your Jaw:

I'd like to direct your attention to the following:


You really don't want to mess with a mouth infection for too long, they can 
turn lethal.

As far as injecting h2o2 into an abscess?  I don't know the strength to use.  
It would be a painful process without local anesthesia.

I have had excellent results, as the above link shows ( one example out of 3 ), 
using silver, h2o2 and healing clay.  While this may sound strange, I recommend 
using a silver/h2o2 formulation in both ears.

In one situation, the co-researcher was having a very hard time knocking down 
the infection... and it was bad.  I use a very strong combination to deal with 
these types of situations:  3-5 drops of 35% h2o2 in 4 ounces of  85% ionic CS 
( in some cases, I force a greater particulate content, which, via 
electrolysis, results in a poorer quality CS, but a greater reaction with H2O2 
).  I make the solution at the time of use, and this solution cannot be 
swallowed unless it is in the mouth for five minutes or so, preferably held in 
the mouth as long as possible.  If one does, it will give a very bad upset 
stomach.  Waiting 5-7 minutes, I've never seen the h2o2 "upset" stomach occur 
with cs & h2o2.

The reaction between the silver particles and the H2o2 really does appear to 
drive the silver ions... In essence, we've thus created a silver ion delivery 
mechanism, which certainly works with  the throat, the mouth, and ears.

Anyway, in this situation, good results were not achieved until the ear on the 
side of the infection was treated with h2o2 and silver.  The effect was 
obvious, nearly immediate, quite surprising, and it did involve a small measure 
of increased pain in the form of a burning sensation ( which usually doesn't 
occur ) that lasted a few hours.  The burning sensation shot down from the ear 
into the jaw within a minute of filling the ear with h2o2/CS.

The healing clay was a critical ingredient.  However, there are great 
logistical problems involved with trying to use a healing clay pack within the 
mouth.  While pelotherapy is usually not painful, in the case were there is a 
great deal of inflammation in an area where there are sensitive nerves, it is a 
painful treatment.  The clay begins to PULL the infection to the surface, if 
enough clay magma is able to be placed at the site.  A slight increase in 
swelling often occurs prior to a reduction in inflammation.   If the area CAN 
be drained, subsequently, the H2O2 and silver can reach the tissues.  However, 
this can involved in continually replacing the clay in the mouth, as saliva 
dilutes it.  Not to mention it is difficult to apply and keep the clay in the 
correct area.

In the case above, an oral surgeon would have been required.  The oral surgeon 
wouldn't touch the mouth until the infection was reduced, the co-researcher had 
no insurance and could not afford the antibiotics ( wisdom tooth partially 
grown in, abscessed ).  It was either deal with the infection, or wait until 
the situation became a real medical emergency for treatment.

Again, please understand that a mouth infection can travel to the heart rapidly.

That is all the information I have as present on the subject.

Warm Regards,


----- Original Message ----- 
  From: alopez...@aol.com 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2003 5:42 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Tetrasil

  Jason:  you are so incredibly knowledgeable...there is a dentist who wishes 
to inject ozone or maybe peroxide..can't remember..into my infected jaw below 
the molar I am to have extracted next week...is it possible to do this?  Can 
one do it themselves as she charges over a 100 dollars for each injection and I 
am pretty cash poor right now..looking for alternatives but don't want to lose 
my body over this..

  CS has helped the pain of the tooth as I wait for the app't with the dentist 
but I'm feeling still systemically rather awful.

  Any ideas from anyone much appreciated...

  Am still trying to figure out where to get dmso from and if one mixes dmso 
with h2o2 in equal amounts and swishes it as a mouthwash, then spit it out...

  I love colloidal silver but its expensive and I have to try to buy the cs 
maker somehow.

  Best wishes,


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