Rowena said,
> I have only been on CS three or four months. Could I expect any relief
from flaking nails (layers of the nail thickness separating and breaking
off) and a deep fissure down the middle of the right thumnail, top to
bottom? Also lesser ridging down the nails?>

>> Many folks have experienced relief from this nail condition by daily
drinking one or two packages of unflavored gelatin mixed into warm water
(sweeten with honey or Stevia, if needed).>>

Flaking and ridged fingernails can be a symptom of Graves Disease. Do you
have any other thyroid imbalance symptoms? - constant hunger, always warm,
weak muscles, racing heart, shaking, hyperactive mind and tiredness are some
of them. If you do I would suggest that you get your FT3, FT4 and TSH
thyroid functions checked. There are graves groups online and the members
will help you understand your blood test results. I recommend as being a caring
group of people.
