Hi Bill, you might want to check out the archives (url at the bottom of the page) for Brooks Bradley's posts on acquiring a nebulizer; Much cheaper, and as good as the very best! This also offers the alternative of using straight oxygen as the nebulizing gas should you wish to, which can be a real benefit for serious conditions. Or you could try one of the ultrasonic humidifiers, they make a very fine fog. Watch out if using most air compressors, as many of them can incorporate oily mist and vapors in their output. I saw you mentioned having an air filter in the line which is a very good idea, but it may not do the whole job, or it could fail. Also some of the lubricant may be evaporated - the more volatile components for instance - And oiling your lungs is Just Not a good idea!! Some air compressors are the diaphragm type and normally no lubricant will get past the diaphragm and into the pressure side. Another alternative is to get compressed air from a dive shop and reduce the scuba tank's high pressure with a suitable high pressure regulator. Oxygen regulators work fine for this, but demand regulators like divers use don't give you any pressure.
Take care,  Malcolm

At 02:06 PM 7/17/04 +0000, you wrote:

Hello everyone:
I tried to buy a nebulizer at a medical supply store and was told I needed a prescription. However I could buy the aerosol mask with the cup and the air supply tubing.

I have a 5 to 40 pound air regulator and an air filter. I put them all together and hooked it to my air compressor.
At very low pressure I am getting a vapor out of the mask.

My question is, using Colloidal Siver in the unit, is the silver rising with the vapor in to the mask?

Bill Amos

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