Going beyond the physical to attempt to find solutions, we need to recognise
that we are also living in emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Currently
science cannot measure these bodies thus does not talk about.  They may even
denigrate their existence with sarcastic or derogatory terms. Oh well...

Allergies that do not 'clear' after so many cleanses could be beyond the
physical level.  They may be about 'irritations' to issues in the other
bodies = perhaps one, perhaps all.  Allergies may be asking one to shift
their level of consciousness which means releasing 'committed belief
systems' either from family conditioning, societal values (e.g. The Doctor's
word is the 'be-all-end-all' and you just don't buy 'hooky unsupported by
science  - this is not to suggest your beliefs but simply a glaring belief
held by many in our allopathic dominated culture).  Higher education
sometimes imposes belief systems or examine religious perceptions.
Look for 'sacred cows' - immovable beliefs. Remember the oak tree collapses
in the face of a tornado whereas the bamboo survives the storm with
flexibility.  The BODY TELLS the TRUTH.  It's aligned with Universal truth.
The words/beliefs of others may not.  Health tells the truth.  Transparent
illusions (those hard for us to see) create problems, and even havoc.  I
would look to the other bodies of consciousness if my allergies persisted.

Liver is about the 'Soul'. The liver/soul is for cleansing illusions from
erroneous thoughts that prevent our movement forward.  The stones may be
hardened misconceptions - we all have misconceptions, and sometimes it is
brought to our attention by our physical body to address.

Liver is related to the aspects of wind.  Your aware of weather changes -
'smelling rain in the air before a storm' or other such patterns.  Be aware
that other perceptions come on the air (thoughts/beliefs that come first
before the physical manifestation) may be out of balance.

Liver imbalance often produces a taste in the mouth that is sour. There is
or has been shouting that effects the eyes.  Eyeglass prescription could be
an indicator.  There may be challenges - turning away from planning,
decisions or maintaining the 'right, established mode'.  This is the 'right
way, judgements', or 'so-n-so says ___ 'when it's in conflict with INTERNAL
TRUTH which PRODUCES HEALTH.  Rigid and justifiable beliefs are often
'conditioned' beliefs.  The nails could hurt.  There could be tears. Darker
spots on the face are signals - flags of liver challenges.

Emotions related to the liver are irritability, rage, resentment, blame,
jealousy.  Release is through benevolence - tolerance, even acceptance of
other belief systems.  Discover what they provide others. Do not condemn.

Diet - pH levels - acidic or alkaline? Reduce dairy.  Eliminate wheat (most
is GM anyway) Add fresh squeezed lemon juice or lemon essential oil to
drinking water. Check water levels. If asthma, most is because of too little
water. See Dr. Batmanghelidg's book, Your Body's Many Cries for Water.

Best physical cleansing of the liver is done in the spring time.  Also, to
be resting when the liver does it's peak of work during the 24 hour cycle at
1:00 - 3:00 a.m.  It's partner - Gall Bladder (GB-Yang) needs rest from
11:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m.  TURN OFF the TV and especially the NEWS which incite
fear (kidneys > 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. for rejuvenation, balance and energy
levels) and anger (liver).

Cotton clothes are easier for the body to heal than those with over
polyester fabrics. Green is a healing colour for the LI and GB.  Often
people with liver challenges dislike the colour green for they would like to
hang onto their 'conditioned educated opinions' rather than accept the
Universal colour of growth.  Liver challenges ask one to awaken different
and additional blessings of truth.  The choice remains yours alone.

AFNOR standard essential oils may assist with moving blocked energies on
many levels.  Body work with focus on emotional release of anger may assist.
Relexology on liver points in the hands, feet etc. may also support bits of
release.  BodyTalk, Traiger work, deep tissue massage, lymphatic drainage,
One Brain are all excellent modalities that offer different levels of
movement of 'stuck' energies/thoughts/perceptions. Yesterday a client had an
imbalance in 'sulphur' in the spiritual level with specific regard to
adoration of the feminine aspects within himself - creative thinking beyond
-- pushes the boundaries of 'legitimate science' but people experience
improvements in life and health so why limit perceptions to the physical?

Parasites may hid behind mucus lining in the body, and until that is
'cleansed' often one will say they have no parasites - and tests will
validate their position.  When the mucus is cleared, and the parasites
'flood' out.  Colonics help.

What have you done with CS?  What have you done with imagination
/visualization?  It can be a powerful combination.  Obviously it cleanses,
but if we repeat the same thought patterns we will get the same results.

First is the thought, then the emotion, then the physical out-picturing.
Change your thoughts, and change your life.

Hope this provides a wider insight to the repeating challenge of stones -
possibly solidified conscious misperceptions?  Sounds like your trying to
awaken to new awareness' and very persistent to have done 40 cleanses.
That takes dedication to healing one's self.  Good on you!  I would consider
expanding beyond the physical and looking into other levels of being to
discover new levels of awareness.  You may contact me off line if you wish.


> On Fri, 2004-08-06 at 12:35, brick...@aol.com wrote:
>> I have tried around 40 liver cleanses following Huldas liver cleanse.
>> Two did not work until I used the tincture to kill parasites first.
>> The rest removed 200 to 300 stones.  The stones became smaller but
>> were just as plentiful. The cleanses did nothing to stop my allergies.

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