At 07:51 AM 18/08/04, you wrote:
Wish you had been around when we drilled our well, Marshall.  The
driller, very experienced, commented on dowsing, thusly: 
"Whenever a driller dowses for water, he can be counted upon to
"find" the vein to be wherever he can get his rig in to

Actually, in OZ where finding water is vital most of the time, the Drillers are the LAST people to ask about Dowsing.
They get paid by the foot drilled, wet or dry!
The idea is to catch them in the Pub and publicly challenge them on their "ground knowledge". NB: Only works if they are really drunk. Better alternative is to say : I'll give you $500/1000 (or whatever is appropriate in the conditions) if you get me running water.

Amazing how these oldtimers could pick a spot then.

Dowsing?? I KNOW it works - seen it lotsa times - still can't see how. But does seem to run in families.



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