What a tragedy.   I'm glad they survived without injury.

"M. G. Devour" <mdev...@eskimo.com> wrote:
Dear friends,

As most of you know, long time list treasure Brooks Bradley and his 
wife lost their home to fire some weeks ago. Here's an update on their 

Mike D.

------- Forwarded message follows -------

Wed, 25 Aug 2004 

Hello Mike,

Sylvia and I are doing fine. We have enjoyed magnificent support from 
all family members, friends, local community..... and many folks who 
were complete strangers. We are quite comfortable, physically, in the 
mobile home at the front of our farm....and we have moved our cats (by 
the way----we were over-joyed that both Bootie and Lucille....who 
resided in our converted garage section, survived) to the new residence 
with us----they just love being in the house with us. 

My work with the Foundation has been, somewhat, adversely affected ... 
but I expect to be accelerating my productive activities very soon. I 
am far behind schedule on our effort to assist an African-based, 
charitable, medical organization (we were constructing a large, solar-
powered CS generation system for them (almost completed) when the fire 
consumed everything related to the project). I had made it my personal 
effort and had everything thing in my personal workshop area connected 
to our residence. 

I have purchased a complete PC replacement system, but just have not 
had sufficient time to install it yet. 

One additional loss of considerable impact was the loss of all of our 
pictures of ALL of our field applications for a majority of our 
projects executed since 1998. Most had no back up ANYWHERE. My fire-
proof safe proved not to be fire-proof. That mistake will not occur 
again....but sadness reigns among the staff.....especially those 
involved in our Surface Aeration System Project....as only a very few 
action pictures displaying the performance of the prototypes, survive 
anywhere. However, everyone is quite enthusiastic about the coming 
year's projects....especially me. 

Evidently, my present journey is not over.....just yet.

The fire, itself, was a big local event involving 5 different municipal 
fire companies and 45+ actual fighters and about 20 auxiliary support 
cast. Their effort was of a heroic stature, involving pronounced 
danger.... nine of the firemen had their face shields literally melted 
onto their chests. It was a big house....with an enormous amount of 
combustible material (not the least of which was my personal library of 
over 5000 volumes collected during the last 45 years). Strangely, 
however, only the loss of the family memorabilia and our pets have 
caused us undue grief, The monetary loss, while quite significant, is 
not a factor of pronounced concern......although we did have a powerful 
attachment to our home. 

I will close this epistle now, and I thank you, personally, and all the 
other fine people on the Silver List for the sympathy and interest in 
our well-being. Granted the permission of the active powers of the 
Universe..... I will soon be back on the Silver List as an enthusiastic 

My very best to you all, 


> Dearest Brooks,
> I hope you and your bride are beginning to recover from the loss and
> upheaval in your lives.
> How are you doing? Are there things either of you need or that others
> can do to help? 
> People on the silver list have been enquiring as to your well-being.
> May I send them a report?
> Peace,
> Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@eskimo.com ]
[Speaking only for myself... ]

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