I ordered some of the Jacob Lab Dura 60, which is their low odor product with Urea (60% DMSO). It may not produce the terrible BO or the "dragon breath" but it smells terrible on its own. Sort of a hydrocarbon or burned plastic chemical smell which I find extremely unpleasant. And it leaves a sticky residue on the skin which I find also unpleasant, and which probably comes from the glycerin. Given the very expensive price, I think I will stick with the garlicky regular DMSO, unless desperate and in need of going out publicly! However I'm very interested in your results with a homemade solution with urea. And I'd really like to know if your solution has the awful chemical smell the Jacob Lab product does.

Roger Barker wrote:

Hi Garnet, sorry about the tardy reply to your posting - been a bit hectic around here lately. As you suggest I'll make a saturated solution with urea and distilled water then add 10% to some DMSO and do the nose test.
Will keep you informed.

Cheers,  Roger

on 26/9/2004 7:09 AM, Garnet at garnetri...@earthlink.net wrote:

Dr Jacob's did not say if it 10% by volume or weight, but I would just
get in the ball park and see if it works. Can't hurt you, as urea is in
many hand lotions and cosmetics as a moisturizing, and probably
anti-bacterial ingredient.

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