Marshall writes:
> The trick is to translate, then translate what it translated to back
> again.  That can uncover surprises, like the spirits of wine being
> translated to ghosts, and body being translated to corpse.

That's what I've learned to do, too. Marshall. One nice member (Thanks 
Louise!) did gave me the following translation...   

"Dear Claire, 
We miss you. 
We hope you're feeling better soon!"

... became ...

"Chère Claire, 
Nous nous ennuyons de vous. 
Nous espérons que vous vous sentirez mieux bientôt ! "

Put that back into the translator you posted and we get:

"Dear Claire, 
We are bored you. 
We hope that you will smell yourselves better soon!"

Ummm... this is why I don't trust these things!

Well, massaging the message a little more, I get this...

"Dear Claire,
Without you we are sad.
We hope that you will be in good health soon!"

... Which translates *BOTH WAYS* with:

"Chère Claire, 
Sans vous nous sommes tristes. 
Nous espérons que vous serez dans la bonne santé bientôt !"

I still can't know if it's awkward as hell, or that there's not a far 
more conventional way to put it, but at least I'm not talking about 
smelling... or boredom... <LOL>

Well, if there's nobody else willing to give it a shot, I'm outta here!

Thanks folks! Sorry for the OT thread.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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