-------Original Message-------
From: d...@altsystem.com
Date: 12/15/04 17:17:59
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>
Anyway, I wanted to ask a question.  I have been dabbling (not too
successfully) in some investing, and one of the things I looked at was
silver.  Most of the stuff I read said that silver was drastically
underpriced, that the world faces a net silver shortage, and that the price
of silver is going to go through the roof in the near future.  Of course,
the silver bulls are always saying that, but this time they seem more
convinced than ever.  Also, I read that Warren Buffet recently made maybe
the largest single silver buy in history, and that Bill Gates has also put a
lot of money into silver.  These guys only bet on sure things.  I also read
that the Govt has just about used up their silver reserves and may soon have
to go onto the open market to buy silver, which would almost have to cause
the price to skyrocket.
My question is not so much about the price of silver as the availability. 
Is silver likely to become scarce in the near future (and therefore much
more expensive)?  Should I stock up on silver electrodes now to ensure a
future supply?  Or to ensure not having to pay double or triple what I pay
 Del, the amount we use in our silver electrodes is of little concern in the
big picture, and even if silver went from 6.84 (today), back over 8.00 as it
was two weeks ago, or if it went all the way to the moon, say 50.00 an ounce
 well colloidal silver would still cost pennies a gallon to produce...
silver will always be available at some price and it will never be so high
as to make colloidal silver too expensive to make......
yes, it is a bull market in silver/gold now so it's a good idea to order
more electrodes, and extra ones if you buy a new unit..
it is an excellent investment, and as you mentioned, the big boys are buying
physical, while the paper markets entertain the gamblers...

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