I thought I would share a silver success story with everyone, especially
those who may be like me - overtly skeptical!  After this, I'm almost 100%
sold on the benefits of CS.

Ever since my daughter was three or four (she'll be 12 in January), she has
had a problem with developing staph infections out of nowhere.  She is a
very healthy child, rarely even having a cold or flu, so it's a mystery why
she continues to get them.  They started out when she was younger with sties
on her eyes.  She would get what looked like a normal sty on her eyelid,
which would then get huge and would emit green pus.  This happened several
times over a two year period with the doctor having me treat them topically
with prescription soap, hot compresses, etc.  It would clear them up -
eventually - but they were VERY painful for her and it would sometimes take
two to three weeks or more.  She developed one inside her nose one summer
that was just horrible.  That was the last straw for me and I finally
INSISTED they put her on an antibiotic to try to kill, what I felt, was a
lingering bacteria in her system.  I normally am not a fan of antibiotics,
but I was desperate.  

She went three or four years with no problems.  Then last year about this
same time, she developed a spot on her left hip that within a day or two had
turned into a staph infection (verified by testing).  It was REALLY deep
down, so far down it wouldn't even drain.  It was EXCRUCIATINGLY painful for
her, keeping her up at night crying (and she does NOT cry easily).  She was
on 21 days of antibiotics to cure it, and it was so deep, it ended up
leaving a scar.

Last week, she came to me with another of these strange infections popping
up on her knee.  She has been on a daily maintenance dose of silver for
about four or five months.  She said it was a little hot but didn't hurt. 
It looked sort of like a pimple, except for the tell-tale green/yellow pus. 
The pus was right up at the surface, and a little touch and it came right
out.  I immediately soaked a sterile gauze pad with CS and band-aided it
onto her knee.  Each time we changed the bandage, the infection had headed
up at the surface, and a little touch would send the infection right out of
it.  We also upped her to 1/4-1/2 cup of CS a day in Gatorade in addition to
the topical CS.  She complained it was a little sore like a bruise, but it
didn't really hurt unless she pushed on it.  By day three, it was completely
gone.  Now she has a big, dry scab where the skin is dead from the infection
  To get to that stage with her hip last year took 21 days of antibiotics . 
I don't even think this one will scar.  AND NO ANTIBIOTICS!!

Of course, I'm telling myself that maybe it WASN'T the CS and it would have
cleared up on its own - but I seriously doubt it.  It was getting larger the
first day we started the CS, and I think it would have continued to get
worse and worse.   I was really concerned about the infection getting into
her knee joint.  I had decided if the CS wasn't working by the second day, I
would take her to the doctor.  I even used a Sharpie and made dots around
the margins of the infection to show where the redness ended and normal skin
began.  By the next day, the redness had reduced well inside the markings I
had made.

I was a little perplexed as to why she developed one of these anyway since
she is on a maintenance dose of CS.  I have a theory, but I'm no expert.  My
theory is that these infections start topically, not from the inside out. 
Once the infection deepened enough to reach tissue or blood that had CS in
it, it began to head up and extrude the infection.  The topical CS I applied
killed what was left at the surface.  I'm sure there are people here with
more expertise than myself who might confirm or refute such a theory.

In short, the CS:

1. Cleared up an infection in three days that, from past experience, usually
takes not only much time but antibiotics to get rid of.
2. Significantly reduced the discomfort usually associated with these
3. Saved us a visit to the doctor!!  


Just thought I'd share.

Be well,