politicians follow the money. the money buys votes.
the money comes from corporations, lobbying groups, developers, and anyone else
that will pay them.
they take that money and buy spin doctors and analysts to tell them
what to say to get elected in the demographics of their area.
what does the average person know about the complexity of issues,
running a goverment, democracy, history, etc.?
speaking for americans, the answer is NOTHING.
very few people come to vote with anything but a bias created by spin
doctors and the media.
so, the chlorine people have gotten inroads in the goverment and the goverment
wants to "follow the money". the money is largely centered on the USA.
canada wants to use graft and chemicals "the modern way".
don't forget to tell them about floridation.

On Jan 7, 2005, at 8:17 PM, Louise wrote:

Well here in Ontario the government has decided that our wells should have
chlorine added!!!!

I moved out to the country to avoid chlorine (they have been adding
chloramines here in the water in Ottawa water treatment for years, I remind
people that it kills fish and they drink it!!!

But now they are going to insist even organic gardeners add chlorine to
their wells to wash their veggies before selling.  But I am chlorine
intolerant so  that will not be good for me.  Hey if I wash anything in
Chlorine even 14 washes later in plain water and tolerated soap I can still smell it. So I do not use it to wash my clothes with for sure or anything

I use CS for just about anything that needs disinfecting for sure.

The farmers are up in arms about their touching their wells, but with this government I can see them pushing this thought. I believe they do want us
to be sicker and sicker with the lowering of vitamins, more and more
additives and more drugs used for every little ache and pain. Flue vaccines for everyone and vaccinating babies just days old!!! for an illness they could test if the mother has in the first place. Wonder why there is so much chronic illness, you do not have to wonder anymore the government is great at seeing that you have all the best additives and vaccines out there
to make sure you have a LOT of chronic illness.


-----Original Message-----
From: himagain [mailto:himag...@fablor.com]
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2005 6:00 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>water, water, everywhere

Hi people,

Chlorine is another major toxin (it used to be employed as a
chemical weapon, in fact) that the bureaucrats are pumping
into our water in the name of our health. Supposedly,
chlorine keeps water supplies clean and free of many harmful
bacteria. While this may well be the case in swimming pools,
in the aging pipes and pumping stations most of our country
uses to disperse public water, this "harmless" chemical can
interact with small quantities of organic matter to produce
some really nasty toxins — including carcinogens chloroform
and DCA (dichloro-acedic acid).

I know — you've heard all of this from me before. But here's
something you likely haven't heard: Some municipalities in
the U.S. are starting to realize that chlorine's byproducts are
a health hazard, and are implementing alternatives for water

Hooray, right?

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