BROOKS B's suggestion of planting Rooted Rosa Rugosa is a timely and practical 

My question is -- how does one put -- bottles of 1000 mg Vitamin C into store?? 
-- I ask the followint questions -- meant to be a "short er term" option. 
Vitamin C tablets and Powder obviously has a LIMITED SHELF LIFE.

What might be the best way TO EXTEND THIS SHELF LIFE? Can one extend the SHELF 

1)    Does one use VACUUM packing?
3    What is the practical Shelf Life of say, Vitamin C?

These question are meant to be food for thought!!! Listers -- put on your 
thinking caps!!

The questions apply to other vitamins etc etc.

ïïïïïïï HERE IS THE REAL QUESTION: Why should the average vitamin manufacturer 
object to CODEX??

They will simply comply en masse without a murmur --  formulating the 
smaller/less milligram pill/s as the new law will demand.

AND . . .  they'll all make lots more money!! You watch, they 'll ALL make more 
money for putting LESS into the formulations!!

So let's not kid ourselves -- when did you see a product get really cheaper 
when reformulated??

So start preparing yourself.

The poorer people of Europe before and during the two world wars used large 
earthen jars to marinate vegetables -- cabbage, cucumbers etc in their cellars. 
This got them thru the long winters without scurvy etc.

My German mother and her older sister related these practices to me. I must add 
my mother actually hated marinated cabbage, having been forced to eat this type 
of fare -- growing up before WWII and being forced to continue marinating and 
eating the results during the war in Germany.

I can remember after emmigrating to Australia in 1949 at the age of 5, my 
family were placed on a lare acreage sheep farm as their first employment. I 
can still see the farm manager wheel in half a sheep and hang it up in a large 
wire meat safe -- for our consumtion.

We had never seen so much meat -- especially so much at our personal disposal. 
With all the other produce, we though we were in heaven!!

in SILvation, Douglas H