Tomas Turk:
I tested some of ( ) 500 ppm CS and it was n't even close
I do not remember but I think it was in 20 ppm range?
I called and reported my test to the lady on the other end of the line and
she got mad at me and told me to P-ss off, and hung up on me?  The end.
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.
-------Original Message-------
From: Thomas Turk
Date: 02/22/05 07:32:33
Subject: CS>Forum Post
The thread
 CS Need help.
Re cancer, unless the chemo has destroyed the white blood cell producing
bone marrow, alternatives will work. All 24 chemos must necassarily do that,
and their side affects are thus documented, as are designed to destroy ALL
rapidly growing cells, cancer AND bone marrow..
 4 herb tea Essiac, known since 1922, plus the full protocol of M.McCain Phd
 ND This includes also specific herbals for anti parasites, montana yew tip,
(the NON TOXIC form of tamoxifin, used to TREAT breats cancer etc.
Interestingly as this is a CS site, she does use CS, for bacterial work in
the protocol,.at 500ppm!! go to for re education.
Another cure is from drclark(.com) Phd ND, also working with parasites, then
 getting mercury removed from the teeth, detoxing. dyes, aflotoxins, heavy
metals etc.  All of these ARE the  ACTUAL causes of all cancers as they
compromise the cell. Cancer inc wont tell you this, otherwise the trillion
dollar industry gets stuffed. Clark also uses an electrical zapper, much the
same effect as MCains CS... Of particular interest in Clarks work is that
the patient, after having all amalgams and loose teeth (bacteria) removed,
and started on the antiparasite course, is fed eggs, butter and cream to
RAISE the cholesterol level so that the compromised (cancerous) cells can
get back to normal. Beware of low fat diets....
How do I know they are cures? I have cured terminals with 5 days to live,
after radiation had failed.

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