----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Betsy Coffey" <latimergi...@yahoo.com>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2005 2:42 AM
Subject: CS>willards water question for nenah

> I was wondering if you use WW on a daily basis and if
> so, how much do you use each day? I have read alot of
> positive things about ww but dont hear it mentioned to
> much on health forums and have wondered why?

I put WW into all my drinking water and water I use for cooking.

I have wondered about the low profile of WW myself. I can only make an educated
guess as to why: (1) There are two sources and one dilutes it down, so that
batch is probably not as  effective and the people who buy the watered-down
stuff may not like it as much as those who buy the real thing. (2) It's
amazingly simple to use. In fact I often forgot that I had it and didn't use it
on a regular basis, despite its effectiveness, until recently. One might not
think it's wonderful because there's no fanfare advertising.

Anyway, this is just a hypothesis. There's a book out on WW called Aqua Vitae, I


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