Thanks all for the references. I'm just curious is all.
I'll have to check into it more and see what their different
potencies discriminate.
Just for what you quoted below CS is still another breed.

ed kasper

-----Original Message-----
From: sol []
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2005 7:20 PM
Subject: Re: CS>RE: Homeopathic CS

Interesting thought. There are already several homeopathic
silver remedies:

Argentum Cyanatum (silver cyanide)
Argentum Iodatum (iodide of silver)
Argentum Metallicum (silver leaf and precipitated silver)
Argentum Nitricum (nitrate of silver)

You could look them up in the Boericke Materia Medica
online, or the
Kent MM online, etc to see if they are anything like what
you would be
aiming for by making a homeopathic CS. I just don't quite
see what you
would be aiming for? Since silver has been used
homeopathically for a
very long time, with provings already done? The link to the
Boericke MM
was just given, do you have the link to the Kent? I have one
or two
other MM links if you would like them, I haven't looked up
any of the
silver remedies in them. I usually go to Boericke first,
then to Clarke,
for more detail if needed.

Ed Kasper wrote:

>Just curious as if anyone has done or thought about
>a homeopathic preparation of CS.
>I've played with going the other way. Of distilling the CS
>to create higher percentage of CS. prefer just the regular
>stuff. But I like to play around with things.

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