
After looking at Natural Immunogenics test of Mesosilver and Argentyn 23 kill tests I have come to the conclusion the test was done exactly the way I think is correct. The hydrochloric acid, silver and pure water were diluted to different strengths of solution using both Argentyn 23 and Mesosilver. Those dilutions were then SPOTTED onto the surface of sterile Petri plates. The plates were then incubated overnight. The silver was not in the agar. It was on the surface of the agar in the water. At the end of the incubation period the pictures were taken. Any Staph that survived was able to start growth onto the plate. It is clear to me how the Staph growth was minimal with the Argentyn 23 compared to the Mesosilver plates. It seems obvious to me the test did not need to be done in broth. The silver in the purified water killed the Staph or it didn't. What Staph wasn't killed was able to grow out onto the plates during the incubation period. Both silver samples were in the same type liquid so there should be no problem with the media interfering with the kill.

I did have some reservations regarding the test but after looking at the test and thinking about it I have decided to put this link back on our site.


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