Yes.  Since minerals are basic ground up rock. There  may be lead and
especially aluminum in most everything. There is aluminum and lead in common
everyday foods. And if its not listed on the label those may be in trace
amounts that are not required to be listed.  According to most Coral Calcium
(and Calcium) labels you'll see many metals listed.  What the net effect of
those are, are subject to speculation.  Most (if not all) intervention at
this time - the purpose for taking any supplements - must be weighted  for
the outcome potential.  I strongly argue that all intervention should be of
the shortest term possible and the focus is to restore the body's natural
balance where intervention (supplements, herbs, CS, etc) is not needed.
There are many avenues to adjust your body's pH. Calcium.being just one.
Kombucha, lemon water, alkaline water, homeopathic remedies, to name a few.
Diet and lifestyle is the single most contributing factor.

Generally any long term intervention - cal/mag supplements - does not treat
the root disorder. They may be recommended for the immediate short term, but
focus should not be taken off searching for the root cause: why are
supplements necessary.  That does not negate that supplements may be

The same should be said about CS.  Most on this list seem to be of the
opinion that in __acute crisis stage__ massive doses in as direct contact as
possible for as long as possible would be the prescription.   Once the
distress has been eliminated very small and indeed they are very very small
doses are administered as preventative. Where the affliction is seen as
__chronic__ then slightly higher yet far lower doses are recommended.  All
the while when on a "maintainace dose" people are watching and looking for
possible "side affects" or possible symptoms from long term use.  Cases, of
course, are judged independently, but generally that is the universal
approach to health.

Ed Kasper LAc. Licensed Acupuncturist & Herbalist
Acupuncture is a jab well done   Santa Cruz, CA.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Sally Khanna []
  Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2005 10:25 PM
  Subject: RE: CS>Body pH


  A Local homeopath here, syas that ALL calcium supplements contain some
lead.  Have you heard this?

  I'd sure like to know, as I take cal/mag supplements.
