S&JY wrote:

> Mike Monett & others,
> It's interesting 20 us CS apparently didn't help with your mold problems,
> but 40 us did.  What puzzles me is why double your 20 us dose wouldn't
> accomplish exactly the same thing?
> In other words, why shouldn't 2 ounces of 5 uS or PPM have exactly the same
> effect as 1 ounce of 10 uS or PPM?  Does it have something to do with the
> rate of absorption per fluid ounce, and if it isn't strong enough, the body
> gets rid of it faster than it can accumulate to do some good?  Comments
> anyone?

I believe my theory which I just posted to this group explains this as well. As
one makes EIS, colloid begins forming.  Initially what is produced is almost
100% ionic, but as the ppm increases so does the colloidal component, so you
have more and more colloidal particles as the ppm goes up. When made using some
of the advanced techinques, like the SG 6 and 7 use, the particles tend to grow
in number, and not so much in size. This is important.  Now when it hits the
blood stream and the ionic silver (silver chloride in solution) begins plating
out on the particles, we have lots of small particles for it to plate out on
instead of fewer small particles.  If, for instance we have 10 times the number
of particles in 20 ppm than 10 ppm, then the final result will be 10 times as
many particles for the same amount taken. But even if we halve the amount of the
20 ppm, it would still introduce 5 times as many particles as the 10 ppm, and
the particles would be much much smaller (about 1/5 the number of atoms) since
the ionic portion would be split between 10 times as many particles to plate out

Final result, 20 ppm well made EIS can out preform 10 ppm EIS even when diluted
to be 10 ppm.  The final result in the blood stream will be many more and
smaller particles.


> As a general rule, I think all CS List posters should specify PPM (or uS),
> quantity and frequency of ingestion when they report the results produced.
> E.g. I drank 8 ounces of 10 PPM CS 6 times a day for 3 weeks and it cured my
> Lyme Disease, or whatever.  Just saying you used 10 PPM CS doesn't tell the
> whole story.
> --Steve Y.
> <SNIP>
>  Mike said:
> >   As you  know, I have been suffering the effects of  mold  toxins for
> >   years. The 20us cs had no effect.
> >
> >   I did  some  more experimenting and found a way  to  get  higher ion
> >   concentration. A description is in the archives.
> >
> >   I took  my  first dose on March 4.  The  symptoms  gradually started
> >   disappearing, and now I am able to function like a human  being once
> >   more, instead  of  spending days in bed.
> >
> > Mike Monett
> --
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