Hi Faith, I am very interested in your maps of hands and feet. My brother (who they also said has neuropathy in his feet) is numb and in pain from the mid calf down. Years ago he had a lyme vaccine (they have since stopped giving) they were giving out to Sewerage treatment plant workers. I truly believe it is from this that he suffers the numbness. It was enlightening to know the difference between neuropathy and parethesia. Thanks. Debbie DeLuise

I'd suggest you give it a try.
Do you know any (LICENSED!) Reflexologist in your area?
I did without license for fiteen years, first on myself and then on others, and had good results. Now, more advanced, and protected by my license I see miracle after miracle.
If your feet are too sensitive, you can have your hands treated.
I can send you scans of the "maps" of hand and feet, so that you'd know where to work, to get the lymph-flow going, and relieve the pains.
We work with five treatments initially, and that works well.

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