I do not subscribe to Reader's Digest and would not want to miss your article. Would you give us a heads-up notice in which RD issue it will be published?
Thanks Dennis.

Faith Saint Francis wrote:

Hey Partick!

Sure it works!

We have an alternative practise, and we see miracles there. We use CS (colloidal silver) along with three more alternatives, all equally good.

Give you one example:
A burning inflammation of the tooth (it must be OUT said the evil dentist of the old glory) was angrily hurting me, some two weeks ago. My home treatment consisted among other things of taking home-made Colloidal Silver, a mouthful three times a day. Presto! No more inflammation, no more pain .. and that molar is even treatable now. I'm waiting for my (new, friendlier towards my strange alternative ideaswhichaintsobadafterall) dentist to come back from her holiday .. I can wait .. I'm painless/inflammationless.

And: I have written an article about this , and trying to have it published in Reader's Digest soon.

By the way: 'among other things' does NOT mean taking mainstream medicine like antibiotics (as dentistdocky prescribed).
Take Care,
Love you all.

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