I just attended a kind of introductory workshop on EFT. The handout listed the web address
The facilitator highly recommended the book "The Power of Now', and this was enthusiastically supported by some of the audience. (The Power of Now", Eckhart Tolle 1999).
He uses Gary Craig's EFT manual (www.emofree.com)
His own web site is www.integrative-clearing.com.au - his name is Peter Graham.
Another website mentioned in the handout is www.theamt.com

In the little country town where I live a local GP is having good success with her depression patients using EFT. She helped my son in three sessions after he had suffered some years of depression. He's doing well now. And she only used one of the tapping points, and I don't think she used the affirmations - I understand he just had to state what the problem was.

Good wishes

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